Jim Henson was a genius! He brought us the Muppets and Sesame Street.

Jim Henson, the Guy Who Played with Puppets was a fantastic biography that we picked up at our local library. After reading it, I wanted to know more about the genius behind the Muppets so we got some seasons of the Muppet Show (from the 70's) and threw a Muppet party.
I found this great video that Jim Henson did for Iowa Public Television on making puppets. We watched it, made a list, and set off for the Dollar Store. We bought tennis balls, socks, buttons, elastics, envelopes, thumb tacks, spatulas, and any thing we thought would work for a puppet. We had an amazing time and made some great puppets!! Here are a few shots of our puppets...
Also, what's a Muppet party without good snacks!?!
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